Monday, March 14, 2011

Barry R

Pulled up to Yankee Springs to 50+ cars unloading to pre-ride the BR course.  Got going and felt like Id been run over by a mack truck...must be the time change...yea right...probably the scotch from the night before and fatigue from flying.

Hit the 2 track and quickly found it pretty much pack...zapped energy for sure.  Cursed like a truck driver and got through it.  Brian Moran thanks for the tip...I will make sure I pedal on the downhills from now on...didnt mean to curse u out for the comment.  5.5 miles in 60 minutes???? 

Got to the cutoff - Jane and I went left cause we had to be back for 4pm previoous engagements...the rest of the group went right to finish the 35 mile route.  We hammered it pretty hard to get back in time - thanks for the company Jane! 

I will be going back this week to do the 35!


  1. Yeah, there were a ton of people there!
    I found out real fast that speedplay pedals DO NOT work well for mountain biking - the tiniest speck of dirt and you can't clip in. Thanks to Kathy and her multi-tool, I was able to make it through the whole loop. Still had a good time for my first mountain biking adventure. Looking forward to trying some single track.....with different pedals of course.

  2. I definitely need a "do-over" and plan to head back soon. Due to the riding conditions on West Sager, our pack got split up. I decided to wait only to find out the others had taken a detour and were ahead of me. I pushed to catch up, but when I caught them, I bonked. Still trying to decided mtn bike or cross bike for race day.
    Great to see our team as well as so many others out riding the course!!

  3. I'm up for a re-do too. I'm hoping the 2-track clears up a bit more before race day. And with the 50 degree weather we've been promised, it should be less snowy & more muddy. Awesome! That's what BR is all about right? They don't call it the Killer Gravel Road Race for nothing.
