Monday, February 21, 2011

Wind Advisory RIde

Soooo talk about wind resistance  So Im a chicken....I felt like I was going to have my wheels swept out from under me...riding next to Roberta or Kathy was not an option!  Here are some of the things we saw on our ride

We rode the old BCA route and there is alot of farm land out there!  Unlike these farm animals we had only short periods of tail wind!


  1. Hahaha.... nice. I love the windblown face. When did you have time to capture that photo of Kathy on the ride?? Geesh, you're good! :D

  2. Let me further explain the reason for the photos above...

    Heather K, Roberta, and I embarked on what was supposed to be a nice easy ride. And it would have been if it wasn’t for the wind. The wind was coming straight out of the west at 20 to 25mph with gusts up to 50mph. We knew about the wind advisory before we left, but were desperate for some outdoor riding on such a warm, sunny day in February (41 degrees). In retrospect, it is possible that we should have given the wind a little more thought.

    We were smart enough to take a route that would point us into the wind for starters, and then ride with the wind at our back for the return trip. We completed the entire hilly 25 mile route without cutting it short (which was quite an accomplishment). I am impressed by the fact that never once did any of us mention turning around or seeking shelter. Even as we received facials from the sand the wind was blasting us with. It’s quite a testimony to our mental toughness, or possibly our female stubbornness. Something has got to be said about seeing your team mates riding ahead of you on a diagonal as they try to fight back at the crosswind just to stay upright, and never once speak of cutting the ride short.

    Although I think we all knew we were crazy for being out there, it felt good to breath the fresh country air and feel the sunshine. We were happy to be out, but a bit tense as you never knew when a big gust would come up and try to push you off the road, or worse… into traffic. It’s hard to say what will be more sore, our shoulders from fighting the crosswinds to stay upright, or our quads from relentlessly having to push to more in a forward direction with the headwinds. It was quite a ride.

    I have a new respect for wind. Next time when the weather man says “Bolt down your lawnchairs. It’s going to be a windy day out there,” I will bring my ruby red slippers on my ride. I have lived to tell about this exciting ride, so you know we survived, and are definitely all stronger for having endured it. Physically… and mentally stronger.


  3. We tried... honestly. But with those wind gusts, we were easily blown over about 2 feet without warning. We would have taken each other out, so we just gritted our teeth and pressed forward. Good advice though.
